...The first thing that you can do when is take a look at a diet. You'll find that eating greasy foods won't affect your complexion, and for the chocoholics out there, happily enough, neither does chocolate! That doesn't mean, however that you can ignore your diet entirely. You'll find that taking things like caffeine and alcohol out of your diet can go a long way towards treating your condition, and you'll also find that if you can keep sugar down, some of problems might be alleviated....»
«...So what happens when these common over the counter acne products are ineffective? Usually, a trip to the dermatologist is in order but sometimes this comes with a number of caveats a well. For example, some prescription acne medicines come with a number of side effects. Anti-acne cortisone shot can make a person incredibly drowsy for days. Then, there is the HIGHLY controversial prescription Accutane which seeks to close the pores so acne does not return. This drug requires weekly blood tests to monitor the liver due to the potential for liver damage. Yes, the drug is that dangerous! Now is it clear why there is such a demand for natural acne treatments?...»
Full Text: seqsencep.blogspot.com
tags: home remedies for acne scars, acne skin treatments, home remedies for back acne